“We learn that Cersei is Jon Snow’s mother in Winds of Winter, and that her affair with Ned Stark is what woke the White Walkers,” Martin reveals. “And Daenerys gets to Westeros but decides she prefers the warmer climate of Essos and turns back around.”
“Everyone is burned alive by the dragons, including Daenerys.” Martin says. “At the end of the book, the only survivors are Rickon Stark and Asha Greyjoy [Yara on the show], and book seven is about their journey to find each other and repopulate the country. It’s actually going to be stretched to three books most likely, since there will be a lot of food they’ll eat along the way that will need describing.”
還好只是愚人節消息嚇死我了不要這樣對待一個正在期末的人好嗎?= =|||
這種結局簡直就像彗星撞地球結果全滅一樣= =